The Starfinder Four vs. The Hardlight Harlequin

The Adventure Awaits Podcast plays through the Starfinder Free RPG Day Adventure, The Starfinder Four vs. The Hardlight Harlequin

Everyone across the galaxy enjoys the occasional diversion in a holographic amusement chamber, whether it’s relaxing on a sandy beach or taking part in an action-packed adventure on a war-torn battlefield from the safety of home. But what happens when the digital settings and inhabitants of these recreations come to life and threaten a group of innocent fun seekers?
Thanks to some inadvertently malicious code created by a proud game designer, such a calamitous event has occurred on a small moon hosting an entertainment expo! The building is slowly but surely being digitized while the game designer’s mind has been taken over by a comic-book villain. Only a group of newly recruited Starfinders can save the day!