Dead SunsStarfinder 1e

112 Dead Suns: The Gang Try Not to Commit War Crimes | Starfinder

The crew have taken control of the facility and continue to clear it out.

Background Music and Sounds

  • Syrinscape
  • The following music was used for this media project:
    Music: Clash Defiant by Kevin MacLeod
    License (CC BY 4.0):

Editing and Sound Design by
Kevin Robbins

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3 thoughts on “112 Dead Suns: The Gang Try Not to Commit War Crimes | Starfinder

  • Cody r

    Wow. That did not go the way I expected that too. I definitely agree that shouldn’t have happened.
    The therapy session was pointless but she could have had VALUABLE intel about the cult, especially at such a critical time.
    Extremely out of character for Razel and Rev 🙁

    • Rennis

      I mean, it being out of character is questionable, they’ve always had a darker side to their dealings that the rest of the characters aren’t aware of. And Kevin specifically brought up how Razel’s been getting more and more angry about his situation, we also had that flashback with his father.
      I do however feel like it came off as incredible off brand for some of the general goofyness the group is known for, like… The title is very apt for what they did this time, and I’m not sure I’m okay with it.

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